
List handsomely is a diractory listing tool can (will) customizable now its going to print names only but in the future of the project metadata filter added this project.



Nerd Fonts installed and enable for the symbols.

Install lh

|Package manager|command| |-|-| | cargo | cargo install lh |


Document reachable in in the link.


If no filtered for printed output by file type no flag output prints all file types and not hiden files path input can given without flag just as input as default input ./ given. All and hiden flag filtered hiden files normal usage no hiden file –all flag prints all filesi –long or -l flag for long information for the files. –hiden flag prints only hiden files. standar_all_outputs if wondiring output type is only files not dirs “–p-type file” flag manuplates file types only_files if wondiring output type is only dir not files –p-type dir manuplates file types only_dirs

Future Plans